My books - Sharing of managerial thoughts

Surpassing Yourself
Are we pushing back our limits because the pace of the world is forcing us to rush forward, encouraging us to make continuous progress that is impossible to resist? Are we, like Icarus, pursuing an unattainable dream, a pipe dream, at the risk of burning our wings, or is the meaning of humanity to keep improving again and again?
So following on from our work previous years, this document explores the notion of the self and adopts a strategic approach to surpassing ourselves, not only on an individual basis but also – and this is perhaps a more surprising approach – on a collective level. It invites us to think out of the box, with the aim of creating a humane and ambitious workspace that elevates performance to the status of an art and a science.
How can we create the conditions for surpassing ourselves in ways that are both exceptional and respectful of our ever-fragile equilibrium? For Altrad, the objective is twofold: to continue to release the energy and commitment required to act in a competitive environment and to contribute to the performance and sustainability of the organisation as a whole and in its human dimension.

Optimism & Business
In a volatile period, shaken by multiple crises and where the future seems uncertain, even threatening, the ability of organizations to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude is essential for the survival of the company as well as for the physical and mental health of its employees.
This approach explores a strategic and innovative vision of commitment and performance through optimism.
Collectively, it invites us to reflect on how to create a human and ambitious workspace that combines performance and well-being.
Optimism is a sign of vitality and is a driving force for action, through which it is itself regenerated.
Creating the conditions for its emergence and deployment is part of the ethics of action.

Raison d’être
“Raison d’être” resounds like an affirmation, and in these times of questioning, it is vital to identify the points of reference, the realities that make up the future.
We must all act together for and with the living, which means that by being part of the world, we agree to consider others and to recognize that our businesses are ecosystems linked to other ecosystems.
Anchoring the entrepreneurial, value-creation project in the social body, affirming our desire to place our activities within a logic of wider responsibility for the benefit of our immediate environment and for the planet, these are the issues and the ensuing tasks that this book invites us to reflect on in order to give meaning to our lives and to the world’s sustainable future.

Together, let’s dare to excel
The excellence approach is one of the keys to the success of companies. The goal of excellence drives an organisation to grow, to transform itself and adapt in a quest for optimal efficiency.

Our ambition: To be the industry leader in each of our markets and businesses, and guarantee solid long-term performance

The paradox of growth
How to square the circle otherwise expressed in terms of the “paradox of growth”? How can we continue to generate growth—a prerequisite for the survival of a Group—while limiting the adverse effects of a very/too rapid development?

Caressing clouds
From time immemorial stories have conveyed wisdom and awakened our awareness. They speak directly to our heart and soul. Like a lantern, they light our way, adding more meaning to our daily existence. Through bountiful models, the heroes teach us how to go beyond trials and challenges to reap the benefits of the experience.

ALTRAD, 30 years of a group
This is a story driven by passion. In invoking these thirty years, each a milestone in the development of the constantly evolving group, I sincerely thank the reader for taking the time to look through this anniversary overview of the Altrad Group, which has always moved with the times and demonstrated its ability to anticipate the future.

Pathways to the Possible - The values of the Altrad Group
This book is a charter, and quite a unique feature for an international group. It aims to promote the culture of the Altrad Group, in particular its agile and original matrix organisation, entrepreneurship and the principle of subsidiarity, development, sharing, innovation and the importance attached to cultural differences.

Cultural Differences and International Management
It all started in a village in the Hérault (France) with a small struggling company operating in a market sector in crisis: the building trade. I knew nothing about the sector and even less about the specialist business of scaffolding manufacturing…
My books - Novels

Pensées en partage
In this weekly diary imbued with sympathy and encouraging words, Mohed Altrad takes the opportunity to look back on the current events shaking up our lives and to converse directly with his employees.
Drawing strength and resilience from within, keeping a clear head and remaining determined to continue doing “our jobs as men and women”, rediscovering the trust that is so essential to all human relationships, remaining vigilant and attentive to profound changes - because tomorrow’s world will not be the same as today’s - these are the messages conveyed throughout.
“We are not what the world makes of us. We are what we make of what the world makes of us.”

Thoughts on the Crisis – Volume 2
From the start of the unprecedented health crisis, Mohed Altrad, President of the Altrad Group, decided to address each of his 40,000 employees directly through bi-weekly posts. This sum of reflections and meditations, which favour the search for meaning and remind us powerfully the raison d’être, continued throughout the crisis and is told in this second volume.

Thoughts on the crisis
“When the March lockdown arrived, it caught us off guard. We could sense it coming but we didn’t want to believe it. It was necessary for us to become aware of the seriousness of the situation and, as these posts were addressed to you, all of you, men and women of the group, that we draw from within ourselves, from our values, the strength to face it together.”
Reflections, a testimony of support and solidarity in the light of current events that are turning our lives upside down.
Mohed Altrad

La promesse d'Annah
De Babylone assiégée par les Perses à la Cisjordanie d’aujourd’hui, les récits de l’insoluble équation d’un amour unique et interdit, où se mêlent passion et séduction, doutes et exaltations. Un conte d’amour moderne marqué au fer rouge par les grands soubresauts de l’histoire du bassin méditerranéen.

L'hypothèse de Dieu
Avec le temps, l’image idyllique qu’adolescent il s’était faite de la France s’était effritée, puis les doutes étaient nés. Si les idéaux d’égalité, de liberté et de fraternité avaient tourné en ce désastreux mépris du passé, en cette incapacité à reconnaître la riche diversité des civilisations, passées ou présentes, n’était-ce pas que quelque chose dans ces idéaux était faussé ?

Le récit d’apprentissage d’un enfant du désert qui part étudier à l’étranger pour travailler ensuite dans une exploitation pétrolière.

Eden l'Extrême Tu Eviteras
Vint le dernier soir. " Voilà, mes enfants, je m'en vais. Je vous recommande de bien vous occuper d'Eden, dès ce matin car son réveil sera pénible. Par la suite, restez en contact avec lui autant que vous le pourrez, en sachant bien que sa mère ne vous facilitera pas la tâche .Peut-être pourrez-vous lui apporter ce que je n'ai pas pu lui donner. Je vous aime tous ,Le chauffeur de taxi me tendit une lettre. Tous, à leur manière, me disaient: " Papa, on t'aime et ce que tu fais, nous l'approuvons. " Des larmes me brouillaient la vue.
My books - Essays

Ce livre est le fruit de l'expérience professionnelle exceptionnelle et de la recherche théorique continue d'un entrepreneur, qui a mis toute son intelligence et son énergie au service de la réussite de son entreprise. C'est en cela qu'il apporte un regard nouveau sur le monde du management, dans sa dimension internationale.

Le management d'un groupe international
Rares sont les dirigeants qui, après avoir créé leur première entreprise à la suite de leurs études universitaires, la vendent pour se constituer un capital, et voir se concrétiser leur vision de ce que doit être l'entreprise mondialisée. Mohed Altrad a ainsi acheté une société, puis deux, trois... plusieurs dizaines à travers le monde, a développé leurs activités, et créé un groupe qui occupe aujourd'hui les premiers rangs mondiaux dans divers secteurs d'activité.